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Category: Ideas

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Partner

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Partner

February is here, so that means Lovers’ Day is also knocking on the 14th of the month. Though the holiday gathers enthusiasts, just as much as haters when it comes to its celebration, getting a gift for your significant other is definitely a nice gesture. And if you want to learn more about this holiday’s origins, check out this article. So no matter if you love Valentine’s Day and get all hearty mushy, or you are not a big fan…

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6 Tips to Save Money on Your Wedding

6 Tips to Save Money on Your Wedding

Organising your wedding day(s) can be really exciting, but can also be tiring, complicated, and very expensive. Once you start researching online, you’ll realise that there are so many ideas and suggestions out there, making it even harder to stay focused on what you really want and need for your big event. An event planner could save you the hassle, but if you are organised and have time available, you can also do it yourself. Saving money on your wedding…

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Acupressure Mattress or Relaxation on Needles

Acupressure Mattress or Relaxation on Needles

Have you ever tried to let yourself get hurt intentionally with the help of your mattress? Basically, getting stabbed softly on your back in many places at the same time? 😂 Joke aside, the acupressure mat is definitely interesting to try out, if you are in search of more ways in which you can diminish stress, back pain, and headache and help get the relaxation you need. Although there isn’t much medical research done on the acupressure mats’ efficiency, reviews…

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Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

In certain regions of the world, Mother’s Day is celebrated together with International Women’s Day, on the 8th of March, but in some other regions, Mother’s Day has a dedicated day, usually on the second Sunday of May. However, no matter when we celebrate the beings that gave us birth and raised us into this world, it is always nice to make a gesture of appreciation and offer them a gift. Gift ideas for Mother’s Day to choose from If…

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Quit smoking today, it is not that hard

Quit smoking today, it is not that hard

Congratulations on wanting to quit smoking! This is the first step: searching for tips and tricks on how to manage giving up smoking. This is definitely not an easy task, as tobacco (nicotine) is an addictive drug, which keeps you hooked on this bad habit, on a daily basis. One of the stories about how smoking came to be in our societies revolves around the American Indians, who were very much aware of the deadly effects of tobacco and share…

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Christmas gifts ideas for your mother (in-law)

Christmas gifts ideas for your mother (in-law)

That wonderful time of the year approaches again and it’s high time to brainstorm Christmas gifts ideas. So many options out there, which can easily become overwhelming, and not to mention, time-consuming. So, below we selected a few ideas to help you put up a nice Christmas gift for your mother, which can be replicated for your mother-in-law, without any issues: 1. Healthy lifestyle readings You will never fail if you go for some inspirational readings on lifestyle, health, and…

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Vinyl Table Numbers DIY Wedding

Vinyl Table Numbers DIY Wedding

Your wedding is definitely one of, or the most important event of your life, so of course, everything should be great and impressive! For some, this might mean giving it a very personalised vibe, with DIY items, such as DIY table name cards for guests, personalised or hand-made favors, DIY table numbers, sitting maps, and so on.

DIY Wedding Table Name Cards with Envelopes

DIY Wedding Table Name Cards with Envelopes

DIY wedding accessories, such as table name cards and envelopes, are not only a way to save some cost, but also a great means to really personalise your (once in a lifetime, maybe) event. Overall weddings tend to be expensive, but some to-dos you can be scratched off your list with a bit of imagination and manual work. Wedding Table Name Cards and Envelopes DIY are extremely easy to make and can save you some nice bucks. But even more,…

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How to zen between jobs and take time to relax

How to zen between jobs and take time to relax

Congratulations! If you read this, it means you were searching for these tips….and it also means you found a new job. Congratulations! Great accomplishment. Now it is very important to relax between this job change, as it will help you start fresh, motivated and energetic. Furthermore, if you are searching for peace of mind and relaxation ideas, also means that you have been worked out and feeling super tired, at the end of this professional chapter! So here are some…

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How to overcome a burnout and pull yourself back up

How to overcome a burnout and pull yourself back up

Wake-up, login, work, logout, repeat… at least 5 days in a row, followed by 2 days of eating, TV, eat, TV, repeat. Ok, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but if you feel that monotony has become your second nature, during this pandemic’s lockdowns, you are not alone! It is definitely not qualitative life spending, and might even not feel like you are actually living, just being alive. And while you feel alive, you want to hide under a rock and…

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