How to zen between jobs and take time to relax

How to zen between jobs and take time to relax

Congratulations! If you read this, it means you were searching for these tips….and it also means you found a new job. Congratulations! Great accomplishment. Now it is very important to relax between this job change, as it will help you start fresh, motivated and energetic.

Furthermore, if you are searching for peace of mind and relaxation ideas, also means that you have been worked out and feeling super tired, at the end of this professional chapter! So here are some tips to get a blissful transition and relax:

relax between jobs, cat sleeping

1. Work less and take a holiday

Resignation submitted boss announced, some colleagues as well, time to set up your exit, handover and very important, holiday time.

Check your entitled holidays left with the current employer and use them. You getting rest is more important than the money they would pay. Also, try to reject any extra hours requests, extra tasks, hand out as much as possible, and use the time left to off-board smoothly.

2. Sport more and eat well

It’s a no-brainer that you should do this all the time, but moreover now, you need an extra boost of energy.

Try some yoga (check YouTube for some videos), walk or run outside, stay under the sun, admire nature, listen to happy music, and dance!

Eat natural, fresh foods, as much as possible, try to cook your meals on the spot (relaxing activity) drink lots of liquids (less alcohol), take vitamins to boost your energy.

3. Meet with friends

Normally, your friends should be extremely happy for you, so you can share your enthusiasm with them, but also your possible concerns. Share ideas and ask for advice or support, if you need it.

Spending time with your loved ones (meaning friends, or relatives, if they are also friends) will give you extra energy and motivation, and lots of fun!

4. Buy new clothes

A new beginning, new you! Refreshing your wardrobe is always nice, but now you also have a good reason for it. Imagine yourself at your new job, what clothes are you wearing?

Through a wardrobe clean-up, you actually symbolically remove old habits, old ideas and make room for a new, fresh start.

5. Catch up with your hobbies

Hopefully, you managed to schedule some holiday between jobs, so you should have a bit of time to also enjoy your hobbies.

The fun, energetic activities you didn’t do in a while or didn’t have enough time to allocate, can be picked up now, at least a bit. If your hobby is to lay on the couch and watch a series, also fine, as long as you move for an hour daily.

Good luck in your new adventure!

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